Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday, September 2nd

On Friday we met up with Pam and Lizzy at Little Red School House. It was very hot out and the school house was closed but we went for a very long walk. We also fed the fish crackers but they would not eat the crackers - they really enjoyed the chocolate chip granola bar. Tucker, Shawn and I had a picnic and watched Rio. Tucker enjoyed it very much but what he enjoyed the most I believe was the arrival of the 'Woody' and 'Buzz' pillow! He was still excited the next morning to show grandma and papa.

Today was uneventful for the most part with the exception that Tucker went on the potty standing up and aimed all by himself! He was very proud as was I. He then wore big boy undies for a couple hours no accident. We were worried because we did not want an accident on Grandma's couch.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


On Saturday we went to see Amy Burke cheer at Naz! Tucker was super sleepy and not happy about the band and kids cheering them on...

Time flies by...

Who knew it has been so long since I have blogged...sorry I guess it means not too much has been going on.

TUESDAY was a BIG day this week. Tucker, Shawn and I went to his preschool orientation. He was extremely skeptical but once he got in the classroom and met his teach, friends it was on...by the time our hour orientation was up he was not willing or ready to leave!!! Midway through the orientation he realized Shawn was gone and came up to me and said. 'Mom - DA?' I said, 'he had a meeting for work.' Tucker's response was classic...'oh yeah' slapped his hand to his leg as if oh well Dad has to work and then ran off to play some more. SO FUNNY!

This photo was when he thought I was leaving - I just wanted a photo of him on the little chairs in front of Grand Ave Preschool ('TWO's ARE GRAND'). He is running towards me starting to freak out :)

Wednesday we had a playdate with new friends in Ridgewood. Caprice is in Tucker's preschool class and she is one of five kids. She will have no problem with separation anxiety so I thought it would be nice for him to get to know her so he knows people in his class and the mom is great! We had a fun day with Caprice and her brother Cian. Tucker did not want to leave but really needed a nap!

On Wednesday night PaPa was mowing the lawn and Tucker was so excited to go out their and pretend the mow the lawn. By the time PaPa was just done with the backyard Tucker was sweaty and gross - YET still did not want to come in the house. It was a GREAT BIG fight but at the end of the day it was small and he came in for bath time.