Thursday, October 13, 2011

PAR - TAY time...

On Saturday the 8th we had Tucker's 2nd birthday at our new home. We did OF COURSE a Toy Story theme. He loved it - we had the characters hanging from the trees, potatohead salad, Dr. Evil Mr. Pulled Porkchop, Slink hot dogs, and alien cupcakes...THE BEST THING was we rented a bounce house for Tucker and all his friends. HE thought his Papa and Grandma should get in...and so they did. They bounced and bounced...Tucker was upset when he thought Papa was getting out so his friends could get in. So Papa stayed in even longer :) Tucker did not want to open up all his presents. As soon as he saw 'Mater' it was all over. I do not think the child ate anything during the party just had capri suns. He had a great day, party but we did miss Auntie Erin. Cannot wait until she is home - 20 days from the 8th!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011


I cannot believe it has been over a month since I wrote...BAD BAD BAD sister! I think I need to start scheduling it in my schedule. With Tucker having his birthday bash this weekend I want to make sure I document as much as possible for you. So today is Friday...cooking, cleaning etc etc. Tucker is napping and I am aching. He called you this morning and it got to your voicemail and he refused to speak then...GO FIGURE. He has been saying 'Happy Happy' since Wednesday when we said it was Grandma's birthday. Happy Happy is his way to get you to sing Happy Birthday to him!!!! FUN STUFF. He is a ham. We went to breakfast with Papa this morning (he played hookie) with grandma going downhill he is mentally drained. He was at the hospital until 10PM one night as you know your dad likes his sleep. Anyway it was fun to see how well behaved my munchkin is for him! Tucker of course LOVED spending time with him and then we ran some more errands and cleaned (he watched the incredibles - he LOVES dash). Lately he has been trying to run really fast. This morning I had him going faster than a speeding bullet at the grocery :) Outside of that nothing too exciting. Cannot wait to post photos and video from his day. You will be with us in spirit...your photos are all over the wall with him and he talks about you all the time. Love you and only 2-0 days left!!!