Sunday, August 21, 2011


Aunt Erin just called to check in. I am not sure who is more excited Tucker or everyone else. He has been using the cell phone she gave him to 'call' her everyday and taking the photo on my iphone of the two of them and giving it kisses. Another photo he cannot get enough of lately is from the Brookfield Zoo. He loves screaming 'NaNa.'

He has been super lovey lately let's hope when Erin gets home he will want to still give her kisses and hugs!

The last couple of days have been uneventful...WELL for the most part. We were locked out of the bedroom so I broke in through the screen. It was lots of fun! In the meantime I gave Tucker his shorts and told him to put them on. TO MY SURPRISE, I get done fixing the door and Tucker has his shorts on the right way (each leg in a hole and the tag facing the back). Totally made up for him slamming the bedroom door which made it get jammed!

Today, Wednesday (Day 8), we went to gymnastics, Grandma came with to see Tucker in action. He played quite a bit in the pit. I was in the pit and Grandma was helping him jump in. After much contemplation and coaxing Tucker finally showed us his famous forward roll! He does so great at it for being so young. Most kids do not even know how to tuck their head.

Day Five

Hmmm...nothing exciting to report. However, I wanted to share that Tucker thought of his dance partner Auntie Erin today. On the way home from the mall Party Rockers came on the radio and as soon as he heard it he proclaimed, 'NANA' and began dancing... If I was not sure before I am now that Tucker and Auntie Erin have a song!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day Three & Four

Day 3 we had our usual playdate with Bryce & Brayden. Of course with three boys they are bound to be CRAZY. We played in the playroom, basement, back to the playroom, had lunch and Ms. Josie said the infamous words 'go outside.' Of course all three boys were SO EXCITED. It seems as if every time we are over there the boys want to play with the hose. Today they attached the hose and to the sprinkler ball. At one point Brayden kinked the hose and Tucker thought it was off and walked up to the ball. AS soon as he did so Brayden unkinked the hose and let the water get Tucker right in the face. Tucker made his shocked face and said 'wow.' Classic Tucker - wish I had my camera for a photo of that. Shortly after that we stripped Tucker down and got him in the car for the ride home. Of course he slept!

On the way home I saw a sign for Aunt Erin! Before she left she wanted to see a palm reader. I found our $10.00 palm reader on Wolf and 179th. It looks like she reads palms from her house...before we go we may need to check out references!

SATURDAY...DAY 4. Got a note from you saying you arrived safely at Fort Lenard Wood, MO and you would be in processing for 4-5 days...so today or tomorrow you will be heading to your training WHICH MEANS soon we will get our letters about graduation and how everything is going.

Woke up early today and headed downtown for the air and water show. We were excited to take Tucker downtown. We parked in Belmont Harbor because we knew it would not be as crazy as Oak Street and North Ave Beach. We sat down Tucker threw the football and four airplanes did some loops...AND THEN it began to POUR. We went to the car to wait it out but it seemed as if it would not stop. So at about 11:30AM we decided to head back to the burbs.

Shawn found the jackpot today at Wal-Mart in the clearance aisle...We got a cupcake holder, cupcake stickers, and candy necklaces - ALL TOY STORY Themed for Tucker's second birthday party. I thought we were going to do a very low-key event but it is starting to look crazy. I am hoping we just have a small group over for cake and Toy Story oriented appetizers. Do not worry we will have LOTS of photos!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day Two...

AHHHH... I am going mad. Tucker has not slept well since Aunt Erin left. Is it because he misses her or is he going through a phase. REGARDLESS I hope it ends soon. We had to sleep in her bed last night. Of course I was not able to sleep since I was busy getting kicked in the head!

Today he brought me his Sperry's and pointed to his feet. I think it is because Aunt Erin bought them. He has been playing with the old phone and pretending he is talking to 'Nana.' He opens the phone says 'HI' and laughs. Then says 'Ba' and laughs and closes the phone.

We have been looking at photos of Aunt Erin. He LOVES the photo of her in her uniform with him of course.

I hope the next 10 weeks goes quickly. I thought the blog would be great since we are not sure how long you are going to be gone over the next 8 years! BOY is that a long time...by the time 8 years is up Tucker will be a mere 9.5 years old. Okay let's move on before I get sad that he will most likely not be my baby at that time and probably be embarrassed by me and want nothing to do with me . . .

Day One...

Decided to write a blog while Erin is gone to make sure we document and get everything down she may miss in the short 10 weeks she is at Basic Training.

Yesterday was actually Day One (August 17th) BUT I just thought it would be good to start something today.

Yesterday was a sad day filled with family and friends since Mrs. Burke's mom passed. I am not sure if Tucker understood what we were doing. As always he behaved great in church and LOVED playing with the Burke's.

Ryan asked if he could come back to the house. When he finally returned home he was sweating. He told Mrs. Burke, 'Kathy had the heat on.' What he did not know was that was not the heat it was that the air was not on. It was a mere 86 degrees in the house!!!