Sunday, August 21, 2011


Aunt Erin just called to check in. I am not sure who is more excited Tucker or everyone else. He has been using the cell phone she gave him to 'call' her everyday and taking the photo on my iphone of the two of them and giving it kisses. Another photo he cannot get enough of lately is from the Brookfield Zoo. He loves screaming 'NaNa.'

He has been super lovey lately let's hope when Erin gets home he will want to still give her kisses and hugs!

The last couple of days have been uneventful...WELL for the most part. We were locked out of the bedroom so I broke in through the screen. It was lots of fun! In the meantime I gave Tucker his shorts and told him to put them on. TO MY SURPRISE, I get done fixing the door and Tucker has his shorts on the right way (each leg in a hole and the tag facing the back). Totally made up for him slamming the bedroom door which made it get jammed!

Today, Wednesday (Day 8), we went to gymnastics, Grandma came with to see Tucker in action. He played quite a bit in the pit. I was in the pit and Grandma was helping him jump in. After much contemplation and coaxing Tucker finally showed us his famous forward roll! He does so great at it for being so young. Most kids do not even know how to tuck their head.

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